Galilee North - Capernaum - Bethsaida - Chorazin

Galilee North

Sea of Galilee, Galilee, Israel

Sea of Galilee, Galilee, Israel

Bethsaida and Jordan Park

Bethsaida, Jordan Park, Galilee, Israel

Bethsaida, Jordan Park, Galilee, Israel

Bethsaida and Jordan Park

Bethsaida, meaning House of the hunter (or fisherman) in Aramaic, is most famous for being the birth place of the apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip (Joh 1:44) and the city or vicinity of Jesus miracles of the fish and the loaves (Lu. 9:10-17) and the healing of a blind man (Mr 8:22,23).

King David’s son Absalom was born to Maacah, the daughter of Talmai the king of Geshur who controlled the area of Bethsaida, and it was here that Absalom fled after the murder of Ammon (2 Sa 13:37).

According to Josephus, Bethsaida, a populous city at the time, was renamed Julias, after Caesar Augustus’ daughter, in the 1st century. Julias has been identified as Et-Tel, the impressive ruins at the mound in Jordan Park. Explanations on why the ruins are over 2km from the current shore of the lake include the ancient city boundaries may have extended towards the west and the lake, also earthquakes and irrigation may have receded the lake and filled in a lagoon that connected the southern end of the city to the shoreline. On the other hand some scholars believe that the ruins at el-ʽAraj may better geographically fit the description of Bethsaida in the Gospels.

Bethsaida, Jordan Park, Galilee, Israel

Bethsaida, Jordan Park, Galilee, Israel

Chorazin (Korazim)


Chorazin or Korazim (Khirbet Kerazeh) is an ancient basalt city is perched high above the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, and it’s highlights include a beautiful south facing view of the lake and the ruins of a 3rd/4th century synagogue. The city was famous for its wheat and is connected to the ruins of Capernaum by and ancient road. Chorazin is the other city that was reproached by it’s lack of response to teachings and miracles of Christ in addition to Bethsaida and Capernaum (Mt 11:20).


Chorazin (Korazim)

Chorazin (Korazim)

Sea of Galilee, Chorazin (Korazim), Israel

Sea of Galilee, Chorazin (Korazim), Israel


Capernaum and Kefar Nahum National Park are an extensive series of ruins from the ancient fishing town on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee just west of where the Jordan river feeds the lake. Excavations reveal the city had been inhabited from the 2nd century B.C.E until perhaps the 11th century C.E.

Capernaum is one of the most important cities of the Gospels. It was the hometown of the tax collector Matthew and the home of Peter, Andrew, John and James. Jesus took up residence in Capernaum himself (Mt. 4:13) and called it his home (Mt. 9:1) until his final departure to Jerusalem. It was a large enough city to have a tax office (Lu 5:27), a large synagogue (Luke 4:31), and possibly a military post (Mt. 8:5) and important government officials (Jo. 4:46).

Many of Jesus teachings or miracles took place in or around Capernaum including the healing of the paralytic, the servant of an officer, the child of the army officer and the resurrection of the daughter of Jairus, the presiding official of the synagogue. Many of his other important events, such as the Sermon on the Mount occurred close by as well.

Capernaum, Galilee, Israel  Video on Youtube

Capernaum, Galilee, Israel Video on Youtube

Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Israel

Capernaum, Sea of Galilee, Israel

Sea of Galilee, Israel

Sea of Galilee, Israel


Tabgha is derived from a Greek name meaning “seven springs” and is located on the shore of the Sea of Galilee about 1km southwest of Capernaum. The many springs flowing from into the lake in this area are rich in vegetable matter attracting fish and fishermen in ancient times and even still today.

This area, so close to Capernaum, is considered a possible location for Jesus inviting his early disciples to join him and become “fishers of men” (Mr 1:16-21), and where Jesus appeared after his resurrection (John 21:1-17).

Tabgha, Sea of Galilee, Israel

Tabgha, Sea of Galilee, Israel

Mount of Beatitudes (Sermon on the Mount)

Traditional location of the Sermon on the Mount, Galilee, Israel

Traditional location of the Sermon on the Mount, Galilee, Israel

Sermon on the Mount

Following a small path up from Tabgha or walking down from the Beatitude Monastery above is where to find the traditional location of Jesus famous Sermon on the Mount, the long version found in Mt 5 - Mt 7.

daniel campbell